Fixing the Phone Ringing Twice And Going To Voicemail issue is quite easy, if you encounter a situation where the phone ringing twice then voicemail is activated, chances are that your call is being ignored or the user has blocked your number or there might be some other issues like faulty network configuration.
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Why Is My Phone Ringing Twice And Going To Voicemail?
Sometimes you may encounter a problem while calling to another person where your phone starts ringing twice then voicemail message is activated to record your message, and in many cases, this can even happen when you try to call your friends and family members which is quite annoying.
The situation becomes worse because you are unsure about what to do. Some people may assume that the user has blocked your number, but that is often not the case.
Many times you may hear a ring twice then voicemail is activated because of the faulty network configuration or even a network downtime which may be forwarding your call to voicemail.
Another reason could be that the person is using airplane mode on their phone due to which you may hear two rings then voicemail is activated.
I have mentioned the most frequent issues that users encounter below, it also includes the reasons that might be causing issues where you might find your phone ringing twice and going to voicemail.
1. What does it mean when it rings twice and goes to voicemail?
There could be various meanings when a phone ringing twice and going to voicemail. Generally, a voicemail is activated only if the person you’re trying to call is busy or unable to take your call at the moment.
There could also be other meanings associated with it as in many cases if a person has opted for DND (Do Not Disturb) mode then also chances are that the phone might ring twice then voicemail will be activated.
If your iPhone rings twice and goes to voicemail straight away, chances are you might have enabled call forwarding in your iphone.
2. Why do I hear two rings then voicemail?
If you are trying to call a person and you find out that your phone rings twice and then goes to voicemail, then the person either has blocked your mobile number or is currently in DND mode.
Common reasons why the phone rings once or twice and goes to voicemail:
- When the phone is in DND mode.
- When the phone is switched off.
- When the phone has no network connectivity.
- When your number is blocked by the user you’re trying to call.
- When the phone is in Airplane Mode.
- When the person has diverted the call.
3. What if I am blocked?
If you hear a single ring before going to voicemail, it indicates that your contact number has been blocked. On the other hand, if you hear 3-4 rings followed by a voicemail, it means that you are not blocked.
You can find out if you’re blocked by calling the same person from a different mobile number, although this might sound uncomfortable that’s the only solution you have in that case.
There’s no such feature or app available that can help you unblock your mobile number from your smartphone remotely.
Quick Fix – Phone Ringing Twice And Going To Voicemail Issue on Android.
If you’re unable to receive calls because your phone is only ringing twice then voicemail is activated and don’t know how to fix it then follow the steps mentioned below.
1. Toggle DND Mode
Please make sure to disable the DND mode if it is turned on. You can usually find the DND mode shortcut in the notification panel icons, which may accidentally get toggled while using your smartphone.
If you can’t find the DND shortcut on your notification panel, you can disable it by going to your phone settings. Look for an option that mentions “Notification” and you will find the DND option there. Simply turn it off.
2. Disable Call Forwarding or Diverted Calls
Call forwarding or diverted calls can also cause the issue where your Android smartphone starts to ring twice then voicemail is activated.
To disable diverted calls or call forwarding, follow these steps:
- Open the default Phone Dialer application.
- Press on three dots located in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Open Settings.
- In the General Menu select Calling accounts.
- Head over to Advanced settings
- Now you can turn off call forwarding/diverting/call barring if any of them is enabled.
You can take a look at other settings that you need to turn off if enabled from the image shared below:

3. Reset Network Settings
If nothing is effective for you and you still can’t resolve the issue where your Android phone rings twice and then the voicemail message appears, the only option you can attempt is to reset your network configuration settings.
To reset the network settings in your Android smartphone follow the steps below:
- Open the Settings application on your Android device.
- Scroll down and open the option named “System settings”
- Again scroll down and look for “Back up and Reset”
- Click on the “Reset phone” option and select Reset network settings.
- Now enter your screen lock pin or password and your network will reset to default settings.

By following the above-mentioned method you will be able to reset your network settings which can help you fix
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In summary, it’s easy to fix your “Phone Ringing Twice And Going To Voicemail” error easily if you follow the above-mentioned methods.
If you are feeling stuck and none of the solutions mentioned earlier help, you can reach out to the nearest network operator store or seek assistance from customer support.
Hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions or queries regarding this issue make sure to mention them below in the comments.
Why is my phone ringing twice before voicemail?
If you are facing an issue where your phone is ringing twice before voicemail then chances are that the person you are trying to reach is either using DND mode or their number is not reachable due to network issues.
Does two rings then voicemail mean that i am blocked?
If you hear a ring once before heading to voicemail that means your contact number is blocked.
Why does a call go straight to voicemail without ringing?
If your phone is set on DND (Do Not DIsturb) mode then all your calls will go straight to voicemail without ringing.

Hey there! I’m Ash Vashisht, a tech enthusiast and ex-marketing manager. I love diving into the world of technology and exploring cool innovations. Join me in unraveling the latest tech trends and insights.
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